Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What is the ToonsTunes Partnership?

Hey Tooners!

First off, let me welcome you to the ToonsTunes Partnership blog. The ToonsTunes Partnership is a partnership of two blogs - ToonsTunesCheats.com & ToonersCrew.tk.

The partnership will have a lot of big parties, contests and giveaways. This includes membership contests, item giveaways, and fun partnership parties!

At the moment, the members of the partnership are Blanket, Ghoni & Kois1.

If you would like to support us and allow us to have more contests and parties, please add our support banner to your sites! Check out our blue banner:

ToonsTunes Partnership

I hope you add our banner, and stay tuned for more contests and fun!

- Blanket, Ghoni & Kois1

1 comment:

  1. I like ToonsTunes Partnership!
    I add banner on my blog :)
    ~Blue star :)
